The true depth of Traditional Chinese Medicine is Herbal Medicine. Modern pharmacology owes its own development to herbalists around the globe who have uncovered the wealth of healing power found in plants. Current drug research seeks out known herbal remedies and usually breaks them down to their chemical constituents to find the most active one. Then laboratories create synthetic forms of the "active ingredient" of natural plants and make new drugs.
Chinese medicine has the most extensive herbal pharmacopeia known. Of the 1000's of herbs studied, usually about 350 are widely used. Of those, most herbs are used in formulas; three-fifteen herbs in specific ratios. Most herbal formulas used today are the same exact formulas created hundreds of years ago! Although there are many modern formulas, too.
How are herbs taken? Herbs are taken in specific dosages in many forms; pills, powders, teas, compresses and tinctures.
Chinese medicine has the most extensive herbal pharmacopeia known. Of the 1000's of herbs studied, usually about 350 are widely used. Of those, most herbs are used in formulas; three-fifteen herbs in specific ratios. Most herbal formulas used today are the same exact formulas created hundreds of years ago! Although there are many modern formulas, too.
How are herbs taken? Herbs are taken in specific dosages in many forms; pills, powders, teas, compresses and tinctures.