Caryn's biggest personal passion is playing with essential oils. She has a huge collection and makes a wide variety of unique blends designed for specific purposes. She uses essential oils in 95 percent of treatments. Many patients leave the office with their own custom tailored blend.
The Art of Aromatherapy is an area of study Caryn has been into seriously since 1999. She has traveled extensively to study with top Aromatherpists in the world and learn where to buy the best essential oils. She believes in using only the highest grade essential oils, which are either wild-crafted, grown organically or grown under ecologically safe conditions for the plants and human population who cultivate them.
She has been teaching massage therapists how to incorporate essential oils into their massage sessions since 2007. Currently, she is working toward opening a new line of essential oil products that would harmonize with Chinese Medicine acu-points and the Aruvedic charkra system. Look for "EssentialAcuTherapy.com" coming soon!
The Art of Aromatherapy is an area of study Caryn has been into seriously since 1999. She has traveled extensively to study with top Aromatherpists in the world and learn where to buy the best essential oils. She believes in using only the highest grade essential oils, which are either wild-crafted, grown organically or grown under ecologically safe conditions for the plants and human population who cultivate them.
She has been teaching massage therapists how to incorporate essential oils into their massage sessions since 2007. Currently, she is working toward opening a new line of essential oil products that would harmonize with Chinese Medicine acu-points and the Aruvedic charkra system. Look for "EssentialAcuTherapy.com" coming soon!