Welcome to Carroll Wellness Center.
We believe optimal well-being is your birthright and offer a variety of healing modalities to help you attain and maintain your best you. We believe true health is not just freedom from negative medical conditions but rather a deep sense of peaceful connection between your mental self, emotional self, social self and spiritual self, all rooted in your physical being.
Treatments and Therapies
Our Goal for your Healing ExperienceHere at the Carroll Wellness Center of Ventura County, we strive to provide a comfortable healing environment for our clients. Your needs are our main concern. If your main desire is pain relief then that is our goal too. If your number one wish is stress reduction, then that is what we'll offer. But knowing that every person is unique and complex, we understand that healing in one arena can open up possibilities for change in another area of your being. It is our honor to be with you on any part of your healing journey.